Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Active and Pasive Voice

B1. Active and Pasive Voice

1.You have not paid your bill
i.Your bill has not been paid
2.I will pick him up at 7 am
ii.He will be picked up at 07.00 hrs
3.The board show any immediate interest
iii.Nu immediate interest was ahown by the board
4.We cannit find any record of this account
iv.No record of this account can be fund
5.We will have to make salary cuts and shorten holiday
v.Salary cuts will have to be made and holidays shortened.
6.We have made a mistake and incurred a loss
vi.A mistake has been made and loss incurred
7.You have over drawn to the extent of £ 187 your account.
We have made arrangement to forward a statement
vii.Your account has been overdrawn to the extent of £187. Arrangements have been made to have a statement forwaded to you so that your exact position can be checked

B3 Describing a location

B3 Describing a location

study the following paragraph :

1.The Irish cotton mill is Wexford. it is situated in area which is scheduled for light industry, 112 km south of Dablin amd 32 km east of Waterford.
2.The Kenna safari park is Kitale. it is situsted in area which scheduled for conservation, 320 km north of Nairobi and 120 east of Kisumu.
3.The Norwegian hotel is Alesund. it is situated in area which scheduled for tourism, 200 km south of Trondheim and 320 weast of oslo.
4.The Scottish sport complex is Aviemore. it is situated in area which is scheduled for leisure and recreation, 175 km north of Glasgow and 48 km south of Inverness.
5.The Japanish steel factory is Nagoya. it is situated in area which scheduled for heavy industry, 180 km east of Osaka and 200 weast of Tokyo.
6.The Spanish Art Gallery is Cordoba. it is situated in area which scheduled for Cultural Activities, 200 km north of Malaga and 150 east of Seville.
7.The Turkish warehause is Izmir. it is situated in area which scheduled for General industry use, 500 km south of Istanbul and 750 weast of Ankara.
8.The Canadian Nature park is Dog Creek. it is situated in area which scheduled for preservation, 400 km north of Vancouver and 150 east of Saskatchewan.

Practise making an enquiry and booking accommodation

A3 Practise making an enquiry and booking accommodation

Read this letter.

dear Sir,
I would like to reserve a conference room
For the dates 18th to the 26th.
I need a large room as there are 30 people attending the conference
And I will need to have electric sockets for an overhead projector and a screen.
Could you please to have confirmation that there will be buffet fasilties.

Yours faithfully,

Nita Fhikniati

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background



KELAS / NPM : 3EB13 / 20207792



Milan, October 5 2009

To : Mr. Ioannou

Subyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background

Dear sir,

Here is the result after investigated of Albani company’s background. As far as I can see Albani unlikely to be taken over. At present there is no need for concern their’s family. I can assure you they do not appear short of capital. No reason why you cannot continue trading. If I hear anything to the contrary I will contract you.

Yours Faithfully

Nita Fhikniati. H


Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

menabung di kantor pos dan bank

Menabung di Kantor Pos Dan Bank

Banyak cara yang dapat kita lakukan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan menabung. Menabung itu dapat juga dilakukan di rumah, di sekolah, di kantor pos, dan di bank. Kita tinggal memilih cara mana yang akan digunakan. Hal itu tentunya tergantung pada situasi dan tujuan kita dalam menabung. Pilihan itu bergantung pula pada pengetahuan kita tentang cara-cara dan tempat menabung.

Sampai sekarang telah banyak para pelajar yang menabung uangnya di kantor pos atau di bank-bank terdekat. Di zaman modern ini hampir di setiap kecamatan di negara kita telah ada kantor pos dan bank. Kantor pos selain berfungsi sebagai tempat mengirim surat juga berfungsi sebagai penerima dan penampung uang masyarakat dalam bentuk tabungan, sedangkan bank, antara lain berfungsi khusus menerima dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat.

Sesuai dengan peranannya, kantor pos dan bank, dapat menerima tabungan. Pengelolaan tabungan dilakukan secara baik dan profesional. Oleh karena itu, kantor pos dan bank menyediakan bermacam-macam jenis tabungan. Misalnya, ada yang berupa Tabanas, Tapelpram, dan Deposito. Para pelajar umumnya yang menabung melalui Tabanas atau melalui Tapelpram keuntungannya adalah uang yang disimpan terjamin keamanannya, dan jika telah mencapai jumlah yang cukup banyak, sewaktu-waktu uang dapat diambil sesuai dengan keperluan.